Achieve a reliable, high-quality supply of primary hepatocytes

Gain peace of mind and protect your client commitments by delivering consistent, high-quality, plateable hepatocytes at a fraction of the cost.

Our unique team brings together experts with backgrounds in organ recovery, perfusion, transplantation, research and hepatocyte isolation. With these combined skillsets, Organ Perfusion and Cellular Services has revolutionized the organ recovery to cryopreserved hepatocyte process to accomplish a lower frequency of failed isolations and industry-leading yields per human and rodent.

Advantages to an augmented isolation team approach

In-House Capabilities

Primary hepatocyte isolations from standard rodent species and human donors. 

Custom isolations upon request. 

Liver recovery to cryopreserved isolation model

  • Advanced donor screening

  • On-site liver recovery

  • Immediate and proper flushing techniques

  • Specialized packaging, handling and delivery protocols

  • Custom-designed lab built around scalability and quality for a reliable supply of primary cells

Custom designed lab built around scalability and quality for reliable supply of primary cells

Cost Savings Benefits

  • Wholesale pricing per vial while maintaining your own branding, packaging and labeling

  • No organ acquisition costs from third party vendors

  • Decreased burden and costs of employee turnover, recruitment and training

  • Reduced facility maintenance and program management costs

Certificates of Analysis

Human Hepatocytes

Rodent Hepatocytes